Finding Shapes in the Clouds

A couple of weeks ago I shared one of my new pieces: “Balloon” in this post . It’s funny how that painting came to be. I have my little work area just next to our kitchen, I was quickly doing dishes after dinner but had my mind on these three small paintings I had started that day, and I was looking at them from the kitchen. The one that was going to become “Balloon” was laying flat on my desk, it was only a background at that moment, random brush strokes, and I had not idea of where it was going. As I continued to wash dishes and look over at it on my desk, the random brush strokes transformed so clearly into an air ballon. I though: “yes!!”, that’s what that painting it’s going to be. I love when that happens, but in reality, it happens so often. Even if you sketch first (I sometimes do before starting a painting, very often don’t), the sketches are so often the result of that lightbulb going off in your head after seeing something or doing something that is just part of your routine or your daily life, in moments that we would consider not creative. Seeing that Air Balloon so clearly in those random brush strokes made me think that sometimes making art is like finding shapes in the clouds.

By the way, I thought that was a cool quote, and I looked on the internet and I couldn’t find it anywhere….did I come up with a cool quote and a cool painting idea on that same day? it might be! Should I claim it? (I know, I’m being such a dork now, maybe I’m the only one that thinks that’s a cool quote, but you know what?  I’ll claim it anyway ;) ):

“Sometimes making art is like finding shapes in the clouds”

Here’s some of my new minis (5×7 inch paintings) that have balloons in them, and now I’m off to find some more “shapes in the clouds” and hopefully come up with a few more paintings before I leave for Costa Rica this coming Wednesday to participate in Viva el Arte.

"Orange Ballon". Acrylic and acrylic markers on wood panel, 7x5 inches.

“Orange Ballon”. Acrylic and acrylic markers on wood panel, 7×5 inches.

"Clouds and Balloons". Acrylic and acrylic markers on wood panel, 5x7 inches.

“Clouds and Balloons”. Acrylic and acrylic markers on wood panel, 5×7 inches.

"Big Balloon". Acrylic and acrylic markers on wood panel, 7x5 inches.

“Big Balloon”. Acrylic and acrylic markers on wood panel, 7×5 inches.

Happy weekend!


“Orange Sky and Lighthouse”, “The Tower” and “Wave 1.7”

Here are a few “minis” that I finished last week. Some of these are already hanging at my solo show in Avenue Grille in Manteo, and I’m bringing the rest with me to Costa Rica for Viva el Arte, this awesome little show that I go to (or try to go to) every year. This is just a quick post for today, trying to stick to what I said in yesterday’s post , that I will share some new work in the next days, instead of trying to post something super elaborated (hence waiting long periods of time before posting anything due to time constraints!…we don’t want that :/)

"Orange Sky and Lighthouse". Acrylic and acrylic marker on panel, 5x7 inches.

“Orange Sky and Lighthouse”. Acrylic and acrylic marker on panel, 5×7 inches.


"Orange Sky and Lighthouse". Acrylic and acrylic marker on panel, 5x7 inches.

“Orange Sky and Lighthouse”. Acrylic and acrylic marker on panel, 5×7 inches.

"Wave 1.7". Acrylic and acrylic marker on panel, 8x10 inches.

“Wave 1.7”. Acrylic and acrylic marker on panel, 8×10 inches.

Have a wonderful Wednesday!!


I need to stop doing “this”.

I need to stop waiting to come up with super elaborated blog material and not post anything for more than a month…because, you know what? I’m always working on something and there’s always a little something to post, even if it is just a “quicky”. So, today’s “quicky” post, a few of my new pieces. And tomorrow I’ll share a few more, and the day after a few more. There. A blog post in less than 5 minutes. I need to stop making this so complicated :). I will be hanging my tiny solo show at Avenue Waterfront Grille this afternoon. I will take pictures and share later this week. Most of these new pieces will be hanging there for about a month.


“Balloon”. Acrylic and acrylic markers on wood panel, 10 x 10 inches. (Sold)

Blue Sun

“Blue Sun”. Acrylic and acrylic markers on wood panel, 8 x 8 inches.

Blue Tree

“Blue Tree”. Acrylic and acrylic markers on wood panel, 10 x 10 inches.

Mission accomplished. Posted in my blog, yay!. Happy Tuesday!