New Work :)

I’ll say it: I’m bad! I have not posted anything for almost 2 months!! And my second part of “Viva el Arte in Costa Rica” is still pending. Bad.

Well, here  I am, attempting to redeem myself by sharing some new work. I’ll keep this post sweet and simple, I don’t want to get too complicated and keep procrastinating, you all know how that goes. So, without further review, a few new pieces I finished in the month of July:


"Balloon Fest". Graphite and color pencil on panel, 5x7 inches.

“Balloon Fest”. Graphite and color pencil on panel, 5×7 inches.


“Wave 1.8”. Acrylic on panel, 5×7 inches.


“Wave 1.9”. Acrylic on panel, 5×7 inches.


“Wave 2.0”. Acrylic on panel, 5×7 inches.

You guys have a great Sunday evening!